Adam, Operations Manager

One of the newest faces at College Fund Landscaping is Adam, new may not be the right word, he brings nearly two decades of management experience with him to his new role, but he is new to the green industry and new to Texas, but we won’t hold that against him. The fact that he’s a Broncos fan, not to mention a CU Buffalos fan, now that might be open to debate. But that’s not unexpected since he’s a Colorado transplant.

Still, Adam brings a lot of positives to his new role. “I’ve been in management roles since 2005,” he says. “That’s a lot of years – I don’t even have the math on that, it’s what I always wanted to do, manage people.”

He started out at Target stores, worked at an electrical distribution company, and most recently at a fire sprinkler company before he decided to make the switch to the green industry. He says two reasons prompted this change.

“I saw a great opportunity to work for a company with a good reputation and foundation with great people,” he says of CFL. “But it was also an opportunity to learn something new. The green industry is growing quickly, and there’s a real need for these kinds of services College Fund provides, so I decided to give it a shot. I’m very excited about this opportunity.”

In his new role, Adam oversees the management team and is involved in daily activities. “Client satisfaction and the client experience are a big part of that,” he says. “But in all my positions, I’ve always had the goal of having 100 percent satisfaction with the customers, and I’ve always worked with people who drive for that as well. If you do things right the first time, people will come back.”

He says this approach has helped him to maintain a high success rate in all his previous positions, and he credits his father for teaching him this lesson. “My dad was always very hard-working, and he believed in treating people right and doing the right thing – that philosophy takes you a long way in life,” he says.

He believes in being accessible, particularly to clients.

“If I need to know about something, let me know,” he says. “Give me a call, send me an email, I’m always here to help!”

Adam has a longtime girlfriend – he says that after 16 years together, “we might as well be married.” They relocated to Texas three years ago, and he admits that’s still “pretty new” for Texas.

“Honestly, I don’t even know what trees are in my yard here,” he says. “But my favorite trees back in Colorado were aspens, and my favorite flower is the tulip.”

He is, however, quick to admit that Texas is the place for him, and he’s a fan of his new home. “The best part of living in Texas is that I don’t have to shovel snow before or after work – I don’t miss that and dealing with the Colorado cold,” he says. “It does get cold here, but it’s definitely not that cold. Texas also has a lot of friendly people, and that’s great. My girlfriend and I like experiencing new things around us in Texas.”

He also enjoys working on cars and considers himself an amateur mechanic. Living in Texas doesn’t stop him from his season football tickets to the Buff’s home games. Adam also can’t get enough NASCAR and is very excited to have a hometown track and season tickets to all the races. Perhaps over time, especially since he has two NFL teams to choose from as a Texas resident, he might just see the error of his ways. Or maybe not.

“The Broncos are still my team,” he says. “I just can’t give them up.”


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