Fall Lawn Care The Ultimate Texas Checklist

It’s that time again! The weather is cooling down, the kids are headed back to school (well, some of them), and everywhere you look pumpkins are sittin’ pretty. Fall is finally here. 

If you’re anything like us you’ll be breathing a sigh of relief – Texas heat is no joke, especially for those of us with lawns to tend to! Chances are your yard is still reeling from a summer’s worth of triple-figure days, and ready for some serious TLC as we hurtle towards the holidays.  

To help you prepare, we’ve created a fall-inclusive checklist that will have your yard looking spick, span, and ready for the festive season. 

Leaf Cleanup

That carpet of leaves on your lawn might look pretty, but the sad fact is it’s suffocating the grass underneath. Fallen tree leaves block essential sunlight from reaching your lawn, leaving it thin, dull, and seriously lackluster. 

The good news is that when shredded, these leaves make fantastic mulch! Which leads us neatly on to our next point…

Fall Mulching

Mulching is a great way to maintain steady soil temperature, suppress weeds, and lock in essential moisture and nutrients – all of which are crucial for seeing your beds through winter. A nice, nourishing layer of mulch helps shield your soil from weather fluctuations, protecting your plants from unnecessary stress. 

Fall in Texas tends to remain pretty mild, so no need to layer too deep – three to four inches total is perfect. Being sparing with your mulch will prevent it from interfering with your bed’s natural moisture levels. 

One more note on fall mulching. Make sure you avoid a heavy build-up around tree trunks. This can cause moisture to lock in and result in a rotten trunk. Not to mention, experienced neighbors might mock your “mulch volcanoes”! 

Clean those Gutters

Gutter season is upon us, and we can’t emphasize enough how important it is to keep them clear. Summer storms mean your gutters are probably full of residual rainwater and debris, so it’s crucial to clear this out before the leaves start falling. 

Clogged gutters can cause thousands of dollars worth of damage to your home, and is normally completely preventable with a little maintenance. 

This can be a big task, so give us a call if you need a helping hand. 

Plant Trees and Shrubs

Fall in Texas is the perfect time to plant trees and shrubs. Mild winter temperatures are optimal for root development, meaning that trees and shrubs planted in fall will have a solid base once they hit their springtime growth-spurt. 

Opt for smaller varieties, 5 to 15-gallon size, and don’t amend the soil. It might seem counterintuitive, but research suggests that trees grow better when the soil is backfilled. 

Get those Winter Annuals Planted

One of the perks of living in Texas is the year-round climate. That being said, even we experience a temperature drop come winter. Luckily there are plenty of options when it comes to suitable winter annuals, and because you are only committing to a year with them, you can have fun experimenting with new varieties. 

Some of our favorites are Pansies, Dusty Miller, and Ornamental Cabbage/ Kale. All three flourish in cooler temperatures and will add a welcome splash color to your yard come winter. 

Holidays Lights Up

There’s no better way to showcase a lovingly maintained yard than with your favorite set of holiday lights! Experts suggest, perhaps controversially, that anytime after Halloween is an acceptable time to deck out your decking with a little festive cheer. So whether you’re a white gold traditionalist or neon rainbow maximalist, now is the time to start planning your yard-side decor. 

An Expert Touch 

Here at College Fund Landscaping, we understand that maintaining your lawn can be overwhelming – particularly throughout the holiday season. Fear not. Our team of experts is here to help you achieve the lawn of your dreams, no matter your budget or experience level. Contact us for a free quote and lawn analysis today!


Gabriel, Landscape Crew Lead


Aerating and Fertilizing Your North Texas Lawn: When, How, and How Much?