Fall Lawn Care Tips to Stay Out of the Weeds
It’s safe to say we love the heat in Texas, but does the heat love us? That question is up for debate! As a result of our temperate climate, a number of weeds and invasive grasses are prone to aggressively spreading.
To keep your lawn looking lush and healthy, it’s important to stay vigilant with pre-emergent applications. Fall pre-emergents are often overlooked, but are the most important when setting up success for next year.
At College Fund Landscaping, we like to be proactive. We want to help you control weeds now so you can enjoy your spring Saturdays without having to spend them hunched over and pulling weeds.
Prepare for Spring with Fall Pre-Emergents
Pre-emergents are selective herbicides that are used to keep your grass free from unwanted vegetation. This treatment works as a barrier by soaking into the soil and stopping weed seeds right as they sprout. For approximately six weeks, all undesirable plants, weeds, and grass seeds will be inhibited from fully completing their germination cycle. This means that pre-emergents stop the seed before it becomes a weed.
Fall pre-emergents will help suppress grassy weeds such as annual bluegrass, rescuegrass, and annual ryegrass. They also treat broadleaf weeds that include: henbit, chickweed, dandelions, and clover.
It’s good to remember that pre-emergent herbicides do not harm mature plants, so you don’t have to worry about your nearby butterfly bush taking a hit. The butterflies will still visit in the years to come!
Applying Pre-Emergents: Liquid or Granular
Pre-emergent herbicides are comprised of synthetic materials that work by delaying cell division, slowing root growth, and preventing weeds from getting nutrients. There are two different types of herbicide applications: liquid and granular.
Liquid Pre-Emergents
Depending on the makeup of your unique lawn, different types of liquid pre-emergent herbicides may be used. This herbicide application is a precise and effective application best used to cover larger areas and does so swiftly. This treatment is first mixed to an accurate ratio and then applied broadly to get the best coverage.
Granular Pre-Emergents
Granular herbicides are made up of round particles that look like small balls. These particles are manually spread upon the turf and should be followed with a good watering. This allows the particles to seep into the layers of the lawn to suppress the emergence of weeds.
What’s Best?
Turf experts typically recommend a liquid pre-emergent to be more effective because you know it gets watered in properly and will cover the entire soil.
Timing is of the Essence When it Comes to Fall Pre-Emergents
Most of us are ready to call it quits with our lawn when the temperature steadily drops. But it’s not over yet! Pre-emergents are especially important in the fall because they help to suppress the weeds we see once the temperature rises again next year. Finding the right treatment for you in the cooler months will give you the time you need to plant those Coneflowers in your garden next season and not worry about why the lawn is being overtaken by unsightly weeds!
Depending on the makeup of your lawn, pre-emergent treatments can vary. Certain grass types need different levels of herbicide potency. Experts recommend this preventative treatment prior to fall weeds sprouting, which is when the soil temperature drops to 70°F for approximately 2-3 days.
Treating your lawn with an incorrect level of pre-emergence can cause adverse effects on your grass biology. In a mature lawn, this treatment is most effective because it does not harm mature plant material. This is why it is important to consult with professionals at College Fund Landscaping so we can assess your unique lawn and find the perfect preventative solution.
Don’t Forget about Liquid Aeration Treatments
It is also important to note that great lawn care does not just start and end with fall pre-emergents. Just like pre-emergents, liquid aeration is another beneficial application that should be applied in the fall season. However, it is important to note that they should not be used together, but consecutively. Liquid aeration should be used PRIOR to pre-emergents. Applying liquid aeration after pre-emergents can disrupt its application.
Liquid aeration is a wetting application that consists of microbes, enzymes, and bacteria that increase oxygen levels in the roots and enables water to penetrate the soil at a deeper level. This natural treatment improves the overall nutritional quality of your soil and root systems. This reduces compacted soil, improves absorption on a cellular level, and increases the strength of your lawn before winter hits full force.
Liquid aeration can improve the quality of your turf by promoting the circulation of water, oxygen, and nutrients. Treating your turf with liquid aeration prior to pre-emergents will improve the application process and contribute to the overall health of your beautiful, green lawn.
Schedule Pre-Emergents for a Healthy Lawn
College Fund Landscaping knows that your lawn is one-of-a-kind. We take pride in helping you keep your lawn healthy, beautiful, and green! We know that the list of herbicides and the timing of their application may be confusing – but our lawn care technicians are here to assist. Contact us today to take advantage of our expertise and to learn more about our services.