Spring Time Weeds in North Texas
Spring has sprung! You’ve probably seen our trucks cruising through your neighborhood getting yards cleaned up, mulched and party ready!
We want you to be aware of a few weeds that we’re seeing in lawns right now. But don’t worry – we can help!
Known for its yellow flower, this common lawn weed tends to appear in April through June, when its flower head matures and seeds disperse. As a perennial weed, Dandelions will keep coming back if you don’t take measures to control it. The best defense is to maintain a thick, healthy lawn and treat Dandelion with post-emergent, selective, liquid weed control.
Identified by its tiny white flowers, Bittercress is a winter annual weed that emerges in early spring and is especially prevalent after rainy periods because it thrives in wet ground. This tiny, white flowered weed is an annual so if we treat it with a post-emergent before its flowers turn into seed pods, it won’t return next season.
This annual broadleaf weed crops up in early fall and grows through winter. In the spring it blooms pink or purple flowers and has shallow roots that spread aggressively. Henbit can best be managed with pre-emergent starting in the fall and post-emergent control now in the spring.
College Fund Landscaping Can Help!
There are a few other weeds germinating in lawns right now as well, but these are the main culprits. For most Texas weeds, the best way to prevent them is to maintain a healthy lawn with thick grass that doesn’t allow room for weeds to grow.
Our Fertilization and Weed Control Program is designed to do just that. The fertilization will thicken up your existing lawn and our specially-formulated weed controls will manage anything unsightly, no matter what time of year.
It’s not too late to sign up for a program. Click the link below to get pricing on your yard or call us at 972-663-5483.