Nicole, CSR

We are proud and excited this week to shine the spotlight on another incredible member of the College Fund Landscaping family! Ladies and gentlemen, meet Nicole!

Nicole came to us from California, by way of Oregon. She loves the winter and Oregan suited her just fine until she decided to move to Texas (She’s still getting used to the heat).

She’s our resident IT Manager. The one who understands how the heck everything works and what’s gone wrong when it doesn’t. She’s mastered 7 programming, query, and markup languages and actually enjoys reading books about computers and programming.

Some folks might call her a geek, but she’ll take it as a compliment!

Nicole used to write and edit coursework for Microsoft, now she handles all the systems administration, automation, tech support, and training for College Fund Landscaping. She’s also been known to hop on the phones and help with customer service as well, so you can tell, she stays busy.

She enjoys working at College Fund and sees a long future with the company, which we’re only happy to oblige!

When she’s not working, Nicole likes to spend time with her 5 kids and 5 grandchildren (grandkid #6 on the way!). She likes taking them to the park where they play soccer and ride bikes, all while shouting ‘Grandma watch!’

She enjoys hiking and the outdoors. And target shooting, which is very cool. 

While she’s excited about her move to Texas, Nicole travels often and has family all around the US. Her job allows her to work from anywhere. 

Unfortunately, her hard work in the green industry hasn’t led to much success with her houseplants, but we’re hoping she’ll find it easier in Texas. So let’s all say hi to Nicole and thanks for all the hard work!

Oh, and if you’re wondering what to get her for her housewarming, maybe try a succulent. ??


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