Xeriscaping: The Art of Doing More With Less (Water)
Ask anyone who lives in Texas to describe the month of August. Chances are, they’re going to use words a fine family company like us might hesitate to print.
It’s hot. It’s hotter than hot. It’s an instant farmer’s tan, fry an egg on the sidewalk, sweating in places you didn’t know you had, hot.
If you’re lucky, you’re looking out at the North Texas heat shimmer from inside an air-conditioned room, sitting in front of a fan, eating a pint of Blue Bell. If you’re outside, well, you may feel a bit like your lawn. Your lawn is out there all day with nowhere to hide. No choice but to take it on the chin.
Back in the day, folks used to water their way through the Texas heat. Now that we’ve become a bit more water conscious, more of our neighbors are turning to another form of landscaping. One that embraces every mood of our sometimes harsh climate.
Xeriscaping might sound like a fancy word, but it’s a simple concept. All it means is landscaping which requires little to no irrigation. Xeriscaping uses native plants that have natural defenses against the hot weather, as well as design elements like gravel and stone, to reduce irrigation requirements.
Xeriscaping done well can reduce water usage by a significant amount.
Many of our customers have worked directly with our design team to find amazing ways to include xeriscaping elements in their landscape design projects. From rock enclosures to succulent gardens, the variety is endless.
Here in Texas, we dress for the weather. Isn’t it time our landscaping does the same?