From Dull to Lush: How Liquid Aeration Benefits Your Collin County, TX Lawn

Liquid aeration is an innovative lawn care technique that treats soil compaction and heat-stressed lawns. Unlike traditional aeration, which pulls out soil plugs, liquid aeration uses a solution that penetrates compacted areas.

This allows nutrients and water to reach the roots, revitalizing the appearance of the lawn. Liquid aeration is an efficient way to loosen compacted soil, offering a less laborious solution for a healthier lawn, especially in the face of high temperatures that cause heat stress.

Why Your Lawn Needs Liquid Aeration

You know how hot summer sun stresses your North Dallas lawn if you read August’s blog post, Hot August Lawn Saver: Deep Watering for Lawns in August. By September, your heavily compacted soil and turfgrass need some relief.

At College Fund Landscaping, we provide a liquid aeration solution that loosens the soil without messy plugs littering your lawn. Texas lawns with warm season grasses don’t get traditional core aeration until springtime.

We mix our liquid aeration with liquid dethatcher that breaks down heavy thatch so that water, oxygen, and fertilizer reach the soil line in the fall.

Learn more: Liquid Aeration – The Science Behind the Ideal Solution

Liquid Aeration Explained

Liquid aeration is a blend of surfactants (substances that help water penetrate the soil), wetting agents, enzymes, and organic materials designed to allow water to percolate deep into the ground.

Some liquid aeration products also contain nutrients or organic matter to promote soil health. Liquid aeration aims to improve soil aeration and water penetration.

Our earlier blog post, Liquid Lawn Aeration: A Breakthrough in Lawn Care, specifically states that liquid aeration contains water and ammonium lauryl sulfate, a material used in soap.

The ammonium lauryl sulfate breaks up soil particles so that water and nutrients can penetrate the soil more efficiently to reach the turfgrass roots, which promotes a healthy lawn.

At College Fund Landscaping, we use N-Ext Air-8™. Here’s how N-Ext Air-8™ works in the soil:

  • It loosens the topsoil and encourages deep turfgrass rooting, allowing more oxygen to flow through the root zone.

  • It relieves soil compaction so the ground can receive oxygen, nutrients, and water.

  • We use N-Ext Air-8™ in spring and fall, which replaces traditional core aeration.

  • We cover your Sachse lawn without marking sprinkler heads, invisible fences, or cable lines.

  • N-Ext Air-8™ breaks down the soil structure and allows deep water penetration. This allows turfgrass roots to absorb more nutrients from the soil, resulting in a healthier lawn aboveground.

  • Our liquid aeration program is an extra service for customers who invest in our GADA fertilization program, including grub control, ant protection, disease prevention, and aeration services. You receive two liquid aeration treatments per year.

Read more: Fall Lawn Care Tips to Stay Out of the Weeds

The Benefits of Liquid Aeration

At College Fund Landscaping, we’ve found that liquid aeration has benefitted our customers’ soils to the point where it has taken the place of core aeration. You won’t need to worry about our technicians damaging your sprinklers or buried cables, and you’ll find liquid aeration more cost-effective.

In a word, liquid aeration works.

Here are five other benefits of liquid aeration:

  • It breaks up the soil so that the turfgrass’s root system can go deep in the soil for moisture and nutrition

  • No soil plugs are lying on your lawn that are unsightly and take days to absorb back into the ground

  • We relieve soil compaction in the fall that’s caused by heavy foot traffic and hot, dry summer days

  • We use liquid aeration throughout your entire Plano, TX lawn, even in tight spaces

  • It helps turfgrass grow healthy root systems in clay or compacted soils.

Liquid Dethatcher and Its Benefits

We also provide liquid dethatcher for turfgrass lawns with over a half inch of thatch.

Thatch is the tan area between the soil and live grass in your yard. Thatch is made up of stems, dead roots, and leaves. Some thatch is normal, but heavy thatch wreaks havoc on your lawn.

For example, lawns with heavy thatch are more susceptible to disease, insect damage, and poor growth. Over half an inch of thatch means that your turf needs dethatching.

We use N-Ext D-Thatch™ liquid dethatcher. N-Ext D-Thatch™ composts thatch using microbial activity at the soil surface. This microbial activity naturally turns up the heat that breaks down thatch from the soil to the turfgrass line.

You’ll notice reduced thatch, and the organic matter feeds your turf. A win-win for your lawn!

If you sign up for our fertilization, weed control, and GADA programs, you’ll receive the liquid dethatcher as an add-on service.

Here are four benefits of N-Ext D-Thatch™:

  • We don’t need to use a mechanical dethatcher on your lawn

  • Liquid dethatcher can be used in fall and spring; it’s not limited to one time a year

  • If your lawn has a turfgrass cultivar that can’t be mechanically dethatched, liquid dethatcher solves your dethatching dilemma

  • N-Ext D-Thatch™ composts thatch faster with microbial activity at the soil’s surface that creates heat to break down thatch

  • N-Ext D-Thatch™ is safe for all turfgrass types.

How College Fund Landscaping Applies Liquid Aeration and Liquid Dethatcher to Your North Dallas Lawn

When our technicians visit your property to apply liquid aeration and liquid dethatcher, they’ll use a sprayer containing both solutions to get maximum results.

Our technicians apply it evenly to your lawn. We won’t use any mechanical equipment, only our backpack sprayers that our technicians wear as they walk your property.

You won’t have messy soil plugs or dead thatch on your lawn. But you’ll soon have rejuvenated turfgrass that grows green and thick.

Transform Your Dull Lawn Back to Lushness with Liquid Aeration for Your Collin County, TX Property

August heat dries out the soil and punishes your turfgrass. You can regain your flourishing lawn by investing in one of our lawn care programs, including liquid aeration and liquid dethatcher add-on services.

Learn more about our lawn care programs by calling us at 972-663-5483 or filling out our contact form.

At College Fund Landscaping, we provide lawn care services for homeowners in Allen, Frisco, McKinney, Murphy, North Dallas, Plano, Richardson, Sachse, and Wylie, TX.


Why October 31 Isn’t Just for Halloween: Fall Pre-Emergent Weed Control for North Dallas Lawns


Hot August Lawn Saver: Deep Watering for Lawns in August